Sunday 22 January 2012

Koobface Malware Gang Exposed & Comamnd and Control (C&C) Servers Stopped

We are quite sure that Facebook user will never forget the dangerous malware named "Koobface". According to facebook security team it was the most dangerous malware ever made to infiltrate Facebook made by few Russian hacker. The hackers, known as the Koobface gang, sent Facebook users attractive invitations to watch a funny or sexy video. When the unsuspecting users clicked the link, the message appeared saying that their computer’s Flash software needed updating. The “update” was in fact malware that hijacked the user’s clicks and delivered them to advertisers, making the hackers money -to the tune of over $2 million annually. According to Kaspersky Labs the network of infected computers included between 400,000 and 800,000 PC
Now facebook take decision to expose the five men alleged to be behind the malware told Ryan McGeehan, Facebook security official. "The thing that we are most excited about is that the botnet is down." said McGeehan. Yesterday, Facebook decided to publish the names of alleged gang members based on details of research carried out in 2009-2010 by two German researchers. One of the researchers works for Security company Sophos

To know who was behind the koobface malware or in short to know the exposed Koobface malware gang click Here

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