Friday 18 November 2011

Z-Admin (New GUI Admin For Zarafa)

Zarafa has released version 1.0 of Z-Admin, the company's next generation, its an open source administration interface for the Zarafa Collaboration Platform (ZCP). With the Z-Admin web application, system administrators can set up, configure, monitor and maintain a Zarafa mail server using any modern browser. To develop Z-Admin, Zarafa worked with German firm bitbone to integrate the open source Yaffas (Yet another framework for administering servers) administration framework into the groupware server.As can be expected, the tool's main administrative focus is on the mail server area. From basic mail server settings to spam filter rules, system administrators can now do their work using the Z-Admin GUI. Admins can also check memory consumption and cache settings at runtime, and optimise them if required. For editing and managing users and groups, Z-Admin can – depending on the requirements – either use the ZCP server's data or access an external OpenLDAP or Active Directory server.
Licensed under the AGPLv3Z-Admin 1.0 is available to download from the company's site, and is compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and Ubuntu Server.

To Download Z-Admin Click Here

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