Tuesday 1 November 2011

Limit Google’s Reading Level to Get Better Results

A novice user of Google often faces the difficulty of getting the unnecessary links as the search results. At times, one may wish to confine the result of the Google search to a particular reading level. For example: A teacher may wish to find the result which is suitable only to his students. In order to limit the searching result to the particular level of reading, following steps must be performed:

Step 1: At the right most corner of the Google home page, you will find the option of “Advanced search” or an image of a wheel where you will find the “advanced search” option. Go to the option.

Step 2: Under the “Need more tools” option and in front of “Reading Level” you may select the reading level according to your searching need. (Basic, Intermediate and Advanced search)

Step 3: Now on clicking the “Advanced Search” at the foot of the page, you can get the customized or confined result.

Step 4: In case you want to see all the result of the Google by removing the confined filter, then you can click X which is beneath the Google search box.

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