Thursday, 28 June 2012

Zemra DDOS Crimeware Kit Revealed that Make Hell for Organizations

A new crimeware kit identified by Security Experts that’s mainly designed to launch distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks against companies, with the purpose of damaging there reputation and blackmailing them. It was firstly revelled by underground hacking forum about June 25, 2012. And it cost only 100 EUR. 

Zemra is similar to other crime packs such as ZeuS and SpyEye, being controlled from the same type of panel which allows the botmaster to launch commands and view the number of infections.

Backdoor.Zemra’s main functionality is to launch DDOS attacks, but it also comes with a number of other interesting features. It’s able to monitor devices, collect system information, execute files, and even update or uninstall itself if necessary. 

Following are functions in Zemra

 - Intuitive control panel
 - DDos (HTTP / SYN Flood / UDP)
 - Download and execution of binary files
 - Loader (Load and run).
 - Cheat visits (visits to the page views).
 - USB Spread (spread through pen drives)
 - Socks5 (picks up socks proxy on the infected machine)
 - Update (Updates the bot)
 - [color = red] The process can not be completed because the He is critical.
 - 256 Bit AES encryption of traffic from the bot to the server
 - Anti-Debugger
 - Self uninstall
 - System information collection

To reduce the possibility of being infected by this Trojan, Symantec advises users to ensure that they are using the latest Symantec protection technologies with the latest antivirus definitions installed.

References :  Link1 , Link2

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