Sunday, 19 February 2012

QualysGuard - OpenSource Tool To Detect Vulnerability in Videoconferencing Equipment

QualysGuard - OpenSource Tool To Detect  Vulnerability inVideoconferencing Equipment
Earlier we have discussed that researchers found serious vulnerability in video conferencing systems which can even allow hackers to listen into a company's confidential discussions. Now security professional from Qualys Community has released an open source Auto Detect tool based on python which is capable to detect vulnerabilities in all those equipment used in video conferencing. In the press release the developers said -
Customers can use QualysGuard in conjunction with the tool to identify videoconferencing systems with 'auto-answer' enabled as follows:
  • Use QualysGuard scanner to find H.323 equipment. For existing scans, this can be achieved by creating a report filtered by service and port. If your existing scans are stale, you can do a selective scan on QID 82023 which lists all TCP services and then create a report filter.
  • Use the tool above to manually confirm if ‘auto-answer’ is enabled.
Once vulnerable videoconferencing systems are identified, QualysGuard and internal processes can be used to manage and reduce the risk of attack to these systems.
This videoconferencing vulnerability, like the printer vulnerability identified in January, is a timely reminder that, while most vulnerability management effort is focused on the core set of servers and end-user devices like PCs, it's important to consider the potential vulnerability of all devices in your network. 

To Download The Tool Click Here

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