A group of hackers called 3xp1r3 Cyber Army has hacked Subordinate Courts of Bangladesh.
The hackers had added this message below:
-=[ Hack3d By ./split0_3xp1r3 & N3roB]=-..........::Message for Bangladesh::...........It was necessary to hack as Cyber War is on its peek!! Your Site was quite insecure!!Some other hacker are trying to hack Bangladeshi sites!! and delete all the data !!Dont worry none of data is deleted!!Set the permission of admin/notice/db.php so that no one can view it!! your database is insecure!! Patch IT!!A message to the people connected with Press: As a journalist, as a writer,as a media person You have more responsibility towards Bangladesh,People trust you, believe in you and follow you, what ever you write,what ever you show is taken as a truth, with the power of Pen and cameras you can do whata normal Bangladeshi can't do .. so we request you, save thisBangladesh before Evil powers take the control of it ..Be honest .. don't mislead people ...Don't let the evil powers buy you with huge money bags so that you can write for them ..Money and fame is temporary so is the life .. You have to answer for every thing you do and say ...fear from the greatest power .. no doubt hes the supreme one and hes the best judge ..My Country men: Wake up, wake up for the sake of this motherland,Stop supporting the corrupt politicians who have done maximum damage to our country already ..-Dont worry none of data is deleted!! Index.php is named as Index_backup.phpSet the permission of xx-config so that no one can view it!! your database is insecure!! Patch IT!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.............. w3 ar3 Bangladeshi UnderGround Hacker 3xp1r3 Cyber Army >>>>>>>>..::-Go To Hell-::..Secure it ?? fuck :| Dammn ur sec 0.01%May God Curse upon you All ! ' AmeenGreetz : All Members 3xp1r3 Cyber Army{ Special Fuck BCA }All Lammers ! :) .. You'll be Fucked s00n ! ...DaRkNeSs Is My Life! 3xp1r3 Is My Friend! Hating is My Business! H4ck!ng Is My Heart! Defacements Is My Hobby! Death Is My Wish!!....I'm ....-_-.....3xp1r33m@i1 u5: 3xp1r3CyberArmy@3xp1r3.com...::UnderGround_3xp1r3-Cyber_Army::...::...::s1r-3xp1r3::...::Mr.3xp1r3::...::3xp1r3::....::spl1t0_3xp1r3::....::_sYs_::...::3xp1r3-61...::3xp1r3_SQL...::3xp1r3-t3rr0r...::3xp1r3-n0pm...::N3roB::... sil3nt_hUnt3r ...::....AnD All MuSliMS HaCk3Rs::............................. Will Return Soon FollowedAll rights Rserved : 3xp1r3 Cyber Army
Site Hacked: http://bdcourts.gov.bd/
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